Apply Kesar/Saffron Tilak To Get Success

Benefits of applying Saffron tilak

The benefits of saffron tilak are numerous and range from physical health to spiritual well-being.

  • From a physical perspective, saffron is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps to regulate the immune system and improve skin conditions.
  • On the spiritual side, it has been said that applying Saffron tilak on the forehead can help with concentration and meditation by enhancing intellectual potential and relieving one’s mind.
  • Apply kesar or saffron tilak to your navel and forehead after a bath. It is said to be extremely beneficial to one’s career. Kesar tilak is readily available in stores, but it can also be made at home with saffron strands and water. Blend a handful of kesar strands to produce a paste. Mix in some water until everything is fully combined. You can keep it in a box and use it on a daily basis.