Gayatri Mantra – Decoded

“Om bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ prachodayat”

Meaning: The two words “Gayatri Mantra” might be loosely translated as “a prayer of praise that awakens the vital energies and gives liberation and deliverance from ignorance”. The meaning –
(O) Supreme one; (who is) the physical, astral (and) causal worlds (himself).
(you are) the source of all, deserving all worship
(O) radiant, divine one; (we) meditate (upon you)
Propel our Intellect (towards liberation or freedom)

Another translation is …

We worship the word that is present in the earth,
the heavens and that which is beyond.
By meditating on this glorious power that gives us life,
we ask that our minds and hearts be illuminated.

Gayatri mantra is much revered of all the mantras, found in the Rig veda. I first heard this mantra during my yoga class, we would chant it at the end of the class and really struck a cord.